


The Sdf Magic Locator is a paradigm changing, last mile positioning system for tactical location of cellular devices. The unit operates in different fashion than other solutions of its kind on the market today. It can pinpoint the location of a mobile phone or device without having to set up a complex tactical system which needs to be deployed beforehand.

The system does not interfere with the existing cellular network or it services in any way while operating in a clandestine manner, without any indication on the target device that it’s being positioned. The Magic Locator is the latest in a long line of quality positioning solutions being produced by Sdf for the past two decades.

Featuring Strength Point – No Complex Systems Required

Unlike other systems on the market today, the Sdf Magic Locator does not need to deploy a large tactical unit or mimic a cellular network to position a device. Operational teams need only the target’s MSISDN number and to be in its general area. Furthermore, the system does not broadcast in any way, keeping the network free from interference. This allows all subscribers, including the target device, to continue receiving regular, uninterrupted cellular service.